CSTC Catolog
Graduate Survey
In order to assess how our program is providing education and training of students, we would like your help answering the following questions related to your program.
Email Address*
Street Address*
Program/ Graduation Date*
Please indicate your current employer.*
1. Were the program courses beneficial to you prior to externship? If not, please explain.*
2. Is there a subject area that should have more time devoted to it?*
3. Is there a subject area that should have less time devoted to it?*
4. Do you feel that the time frame alotted for the extern assignment is adequate? If not, should it be longer or shorter?*
5. Were there any procedures or skills that were used at your site that you did not receive training in?*
6. Overall, do you feel you are now adequately prepared to work in your chosen field?*
7. What part of the training did you find especially helpful in your job?*
8. Did Clinical Skills Training Center meet your expectations?*
Additional Comments